NFTs Digital Art Collectibles is out
4/50 are already minted.
More about my artwork here.

Omen Fantasy Collectibles

Omen Fantasy is a collection of 50 unique animated Japanese Masks NFTs digital Art collectibles with Superpowers, Fantasy Animated Characters. They all come in different types from people to animal’s face with unique features minted on the ETH Blockchain.
Inspired by the real traditional Japanese Kabuki masks I’ve worked on a minimalist representation, cartoon-like, manga style oft a recurrent theme in my work.

All cards, graphics, animations are 100% designed by me.
You can buy NFT digital versions here & I will transfer the NFT to your wallet.

NFT Digital Art Switzerland

50 NFTs Digital Art Collectibles

The first 5/50 NFTs are out & you can start collecting them now!

The Physical Digital Art assets

All masks are derivated from physical stills printed artworks that you’ll find soon in my shop.
To stay updated, please subscribe to my newsletter.

Other NFT Digital Art Collections

Here are some of my other NFT creations. You can browse by collection here:

* NFT stands for “non-fungible token”

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