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Art Event Alert: the Arty Show Biel Bienne

Arty Show Biel Bienne
Expo Arty Show Biel Bienne 7-30 October 21
The event is organised by Arty Event and gathers 31 artists featuring their work in various city spots. Sandra, the organiser contacted me after seeing some of my work online.
I am happy to take part in this Arty Event, my first one in Biel Bienne town. You will find the following digital artworks (below)in Biel Bienne, rue du Faucon 21, at the Swiss Watch maker Pierre Junod. (beautiful minimalist watches that you can view here)
Artworks exposed @Pierre Junod

My selected artworks
Each City comes with a Day & Night version, there are 30 artworks/buildings from in this Biel Bienne Series.(“Swiss Cities”)
I’ve selected the following 8 buildings that will be showcased at the Arty Show Biel Bienne Event.
As well as these various Artworks from the “Virtual Worlds/Avatars” & “Origami” Collection:
NFT Collectibles Cards Biel Bienne
I’m also passionated about Crypto Art and I’ve also launched the “City Quest” on the blockchain.
You can also find the 15 Biel-Bienne City spots in NFT Collectibles Cards, unique 1/1 with special traits and other card features.